Anti-discrimination law

Discrimination is one of the most common forms of human rights violations, but since it can assume many forms and expressions it is not always easy to recognize, prevent or fight. Moreover, discrimination can affect people in almost any area of their public and private life: employment, education, housing, access to goods and services, family life etc., each area requiring a different and specific set of norms. The course begins with an introduction to the different formulations and concepts of equality and an overview of the U.S., European, and other national and international anti-discrimination law systems. It then focuses on anti-discrimination and equality law in European countries which is characterized by the existence of different layers of norms and institutions, which overlap and cooperate. Particular attention is paid to recent developments in the protection from discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, in light of the most significant domestic constitutional case-law as well as through the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union leading cases. The final part of the course is dedicated to the role of advocacy, lobbying and litigation strategies: instruments that have proved to be crucial for the fast development of European anti-discrimination law over the past few decades.
Course Contact: Progetto start@unito

Diritti e doveri di cittadinanza

Cosa si intende per diritti fondamentali? E per doveri inderogabili? Chi ne è il titolare? Sono queste alcune delle domande a cui questo corso cerca di dare risposta, partendo dagli eventi storici da cui traggono origine le prime Dichiarazioni dei diritti, fino ad arrivare alla società attuale e a come i diritti contenuti nella Costituzione italiana e nelle Carte internazionali influenzano e sono influenzati dalla realtà di tutti i giorni.
Course Contact: Progetto start@unito

Diritto alla Salute

Il corso di Diritto alla salute offre le basi giuridiche per affrontare e comprendere temi di rilevanza e attualità, quali le condizioni di accesso alle prestazioni sanitarie, la libertà di non curarsi, i trattamenti sanitari obbligatori (vaccinazioni, ricoveri ospedalieri coatti), la circolazione transfrontaliera dei pazienti e le responsabilità di strutture e operatori.
Il corso affronta anche l’analisi delle competenze statali e regionali, dell’organizzazione sanitaria pubblica e privata e dei diversi modelli di sistema sanitario che hanno caratterizzato l’ordinamento italiano e degli altri paesi occidentali.
Il corso prevede l'erogazione di dispense, videolezioni e di quiz di autovalutazione. I materiali sono organizzati secondo le modalità indicate nelle Istruzioni sul funzionamento del corso che consigliamo di leggere attentamente prima di cominciare lo studio.
Buon lavoro!
Course Contact: Progetto start@unito

EU Law and Fundamental Rights

The course focuses on the EU system of protection of fundamental rights and freedoms. It covers the institutional scenario and the legal sources of the Union. In particular, it addresses the content and the effects of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, as well as some insights on specific rights contained therein.

Course Contact: Progetto start@unito

EU public law for economics

The evolving European integration process represents a crucial opportunity of growth and of contextual enhancement of the common values on which the Union is founded. The promotion of economic and social progress through sustainable development within the context of the Internal Market requires reinforced social and economic cohesion among the European citizens. The course EU Public law for economics is designed for both economics and law students and aims to outline the core values and principles of public law within the European Union framework, as well as the establishment of a European Legal Order and its relation both with the EU Member States and the rest of the world.
Course Contact: Progetto start@unito

Europa: istituzioni e diritti

Quali sono le principali istituzioni europee? Quali diritti sono riconosciuti ai cittadini europei?
L'insegnamento “Europa: istituzioni e diritti” fornisce strumenti per rispondere a queste e ad altre domande, illustrando i caratteri fondamentali delle organizzazioni internazionali a livello europeo.

Course Contact: Progetto start@unito

History of European Integration

This course offers an overview of the history of European integration from 1945 to today. It illustrates and interprets key events, telling the stories of the people who built a united Europe, and explaining the role played by political actors such as national governments and grass-roots movements.

Course Contact: Progetto start@unito

International law

This course aims at providing the fundamental contents of the subject matter so that students can understand and critically evaluate the main issues of contemporary International law. Since States are the main entities acting in the international community, their nature and their relations with one another are going to be tackled throughout the course.

International law and new technologies

Technology is a pivotal factor of change and transformation of our contemporary society. The course attempts to discuss the impact of new technologies, such as the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence, on international law and, on the other hand, to understand how international law can regulate new technologies.
Course Contact: Progetto start@unito

International law and taxation

The International Law and Taxation course is dividend in two modules: International Law (module 1) and International Taxation (module 2).

International Law module aims to provide the basic notions of comparative company law. In particular, it illustrates what corporate law is, while focusing on the common structure of company law across different jurisdictions and describing the basic governance structure which principally supports the Interests of Shareholders as a Class, and the protections of the Minority Shareholders and Non-Shareholder Constituencies. As results of learning outcomes, students will learn comparative techniques and how to make proper comparisons between different legislations at European level.

International Taxation module has the purpose of providing the students the main tools to understand the general aspects and problems on international tax law, including e.g. issues on double taxation and double non-taxation; the role of multinationals enterprises within the international tax system; transfer pricing; issues on international tax avoidance and tax evasion and the role of exchange of information, among others important international tax law issues and, moreover, basic notions on European Tax Law.
Course Contact: Progetto start@unito

Legal English

This course is meant to introduce you to the technical language that is Legal English. For this purpose, the course is structured in six units introducing you to the general aspect regarding English legal terminology, and to the different aspects proper of the specific legal fields covered. In each unit you will find: an introductory video, the core texts of the course followed by a short recap of each sub-unit, a final recap of the unit, and a comprehension test.

Legge e Giustizia

L'insegnamento “Legge e giustizia” è concepito per porre le basi e familiarizzare con termini e concetti-chiave delle discipline giuridiche e con le istituzioni del diritto.
Con l’aiuto di alcuni docenti che insegnano o che hanno insegnato presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Torino, proveremo a rispondere ad alcuni quesiti su concetti giuridici fondamentali: Che cos’è il diritto? Che cos’è la legge? Che cos’è la giustizia? Che cos’è e cosa prescrive la Costituzione?
Course Contact: Progetto start@unito

Lessico delle scienze politiche, sociali e internazionali

L'insegnamento offre agli studenti le conoscenze di base sui concetti cardine delle scienze politiche, sociali e internazionali: un percorso attraverso 18 parole chiave pensato per scoprire i contenuti del Corso di Laurea in Scienze Politiche e Sociali e per fornire strumenti utili per frequentare con profitto.
Course Contact: Progetto start@unito

Private law

The course aims to provide the basic notions and principles of Italian private law, which is the branch of law concerning the relationships between parties acting on a level playing field. After a short introduction on the purposes of private law, we shall investigate the subjects of persons, contracts, torts and property.
Course Contact: Progetto start@unito